The non-sparking Beta tools are specific to Beta operate safely in areas at potential risk of explosions, with the presence of flammable liquids or gases, or for applications that require the use of tools perfectly anti-magnetic and highly corrosion resistant.
These tools avoid the possibility of generating any sparks created when using the tool: their special composition in copper-beryllium (Cu-Be) guarantees a perfect combination of features and mechanical resistance spark.
This special alloy, extended to the whole new range spark Beta, is the best possible choice for such applications. Furthermore, with the knowledge and experience that accompanies Beta for over 70 years, every tool is also studied and researched in terms of ergonomics and design, to achieve the best possible quality.
The non-sparking Beta tools ensure high quality standards in every single tool through a rigorous control over the material through accurate analysis of chemical and physical properties that ensure a perfect fit and through a visual check for the same functional characteristics.
The non-sparking tools Beta ensure the best performance by ensuring the safety requirements in various application areas such as:
• petrochemical refineries
• tankers
• chemical industry
• stations and gas storage and fuel
• Pharmaceutical
• Powders
• mines
• Distilleries
• grain silos and flour
• Aerospace Industries
• Marine
• non-magnetic applications
• other risk areas
Also, they are particularly used in works in contact with fresh or salt water, with some acids and alkalis, due to their resistance to oxidation and corrosion.
Obbligatoria dal 1º Luglio 2006 La Direttiva ATEX 99/92/CE, introdotta il 16 Dicembre 1999, definisce i requisiti minimi per incrementare la protezione della sicurezza e della salute dei lavoratori potenzialmente a rischio di atmosfere esplosive. La direttiva stabilisce, fra le prescrizioni minime che devono essere adottate sul luogo di lavoro, che “Si devono prendere tutte le misure necessarie per garantire che le attrezzature di lavoro [...] siano state progettate, costruite, montate, installate, mantenute in servizio e fatte funzionare in modo tale da ridurre al minimo i rischi di esplosione [...]”. (punto
2.5 – Allegato II) Le prescrizioni si applicano alle aree classificate come pericolose (indicate di seguito) ed in tutti i casi in cui le caratteristiche dei luoghi di lavoro, dei posti di lavoro, delle attrezzature o delle sostanze impiegate lo richiedano.
Le aree a rischio di esplosione sono cosi ripartite all’interno della normativa (punto 2 – Allegato I):
Area in which it is present continuously or for long periods or frequently explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture of air edi flammable substances in the form of gas, vapor, or mist.
An area in which normal activities is likely to be an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture of air edi flammable substances in the form of gas, vapor, or mist.
An area in which the normal activity is not likely an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture of air and flammable substances in the form of gas, vapor or mist, if it occurs, it is only of short duration.
Area in which it is present continuously or for long periods ospesso an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in the air.
Area in which occasionally occur in normal operation is likely to be an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in the air.
An area in which the normal activity is not likely an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in the air and, if it occurs, it is only of short duration.
With the introduction of the ATEX standard is harmonized within the European Union that will lead to an increase in reliability and a reduced risk of explosion in the workplace, benefiting both the manufacturer and user.
Using these tools does not exempt the adoption of standard practices in securing the equipment on which you go to work before proceeding with intervention.
Composition Be 1.8 ÷ 2.3%
Co + Ni Min 0.2%
Co + Ni + Fe 1.2% Max
Cu A compensation
Brinell Hardness 310 ÷ 360
Tensile strength 1050 ÷ 1200 N/mm²
Yield strength 840 ÷ 880 N/mm²
Theensure the highest possible safety guaranteed by their high quality.